What Does Christmas Mean to Me, You Ask?---by Mark Dockter, Lay Leader
Emmanuel! You are in our midst. You are with us, coming down to the uttermost consequences made from the beginning with man, and in spite of the fact that it was violated and broken so many times...You are with us! Emmanuel! In a way that really surpasses everything that man could have thought of You. You are with us as a man. You are wonderful, truly wonderful, O God, Creator and Lord of the universe.
God with the Fathwr Almighty! The Logos! The only Son! God of power! You are with us as a man, as a newborn baby ok for the human race, absolutely weak, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger. Is it not that precisely because you became man in this way, without a roof to shelter you, that you became nearest to man?
The Word has become flesh. That is the meaning of Christmas: Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with Us.” Jesus is the personal approach from the Unseen. We did not dare dream God was like Christ. But He is! Look at the character and life of Jesus and know what God's character is like. God is Christlike.
This is what Christmas means to me.---------Mark
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