Attention, Boomers!

Fellow Boomers, we’ve been through a lot since we graduated from high school. Are you wondering what it all means? if faith and reason are compatible? Justice vs. mercy?  Faith vs. action? What do contemporary Christian thinkers and doers have to say? What might God want of our generation politically, now that we are in the peak working years or closing in on retirement?What would it be like to have faith friends to seek answers with? An organizing meeting will be held Sunday, Jan. 13, 9 am at Burns Memorial United Methodist Church, 1095 Newark St, Aurora. Enter through the lower level door on Newark. The group is being organized by Douglas King and Michele Zuniga and current plan is to include video, speakers, discussion, prayer and action arising from our studies. For more information Contact  303-886-9175. Newcomers encouraged. 


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